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1 Translation result for to lead in Spanish


lead verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
led, has led, is leading, leads
conducir, llevar, guiar; dirigir; encabezar, ir al frente de
word of the day image
A Swiss farmer leads his cattle through the mountains.

Example sentences of
lead verb

  • You lead us and we'll follow right behind you.

Synonyms of
lead verb

  • No confundir al sustantivo lead, un tipo de metal, con este verbo y los varios sustantivos que derivan de el. Ese sustantivo se pronuncia de otra manera y tiene un significado completamente diferente.
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Reverse translation for to lead

conducir  - to drive a vehicle, to direct, to lead, to drive (a vehicle) 
llevar  - to have, to lead, to take away, to carry, to wear, to take, to lead 
guiar  - to guide, to lead, to manage 
dirigir  - to direct, to lead, to address, to aim, to point, to conduct (music) 
encabezar  - to head, to lead, to put a heading on, to spearhead